The Hierarchy of Functional Necessities. Why use a $2 word when a $20 word is available? Functional necessities are the things your body needs in order to work right. And the hierarchy is those needs listed in order of importance. So the hierarchy of functional necessities (HOFN) is an ordered list of most important to least of those things your body needs in order to do its job. But it would be ridiculous to title this article The Ordered List of Most Important to Least Important Things Your Body Needs In Order To Do Its Job. So HOFN.
1) Genetics – As you know from the computerized orientation program, we are born with health. It is our genetic programming or potential. God has given us the most health we will ever have. We cannot have more health than we are given. We will eventually lose that health, a bit here, a bit there, and finally all of it. There seems to be a finite amount of health. So each of our cups of health were filled to different levels. So at least for the time being this is our max. It is the most important Functional Necessity for each of us and the least under our control. So blame or praise your parents.
2) Nervous System – While our genes dictate the health potential of each cell, we are made up of trillions or more individual cells that must coordinate all their activities at each moment for a lifetime. This requires a nerve system that is fully functional, integrated, and un-interfered with. For us to realize our potential we must be as free of nerve interference as is possible. That means, as you know, being as subluxation-free as possible. This is my part I get to play in your health.
3) Nutrition – Computer programmers say garbage in-garbage out. It’s the same with your body. Your body needs to have proper nutrition for the cells to have the chemistry to stay healthy. This is a topic far larger than this short article. This is one of your jobs in the HOFN.
4) Exercise – The “E” wordL Look at those people you know who are older and who exercised their whole life and compare them to the sedentary folks of the same age. Who do you want to be like when you are at that point in your life? Use it or lose it is very true. This is also your job.
5) Positive attitude, thoughts, and emotions – This is another big item that ranges from stress reduction to personal relationships, prayer, medication, and self-awareness. This requires daily nurturing by you and poses the largest difficulty for most people in daily follow-thru.
6) Rest – Your body and mind must regenerate on a daily basis. Use it well during the day and get plenty of sleep at night.
These are the HOFN’s that go along with the last 2 weeks’ articles. Know them well and do your part. Allow me to do mine. You will thank yourself later I assure you. Oh, you wonder about the IWHTM in the title. That’s next week’s topic and is a dreaded condition that we all suffer from. So while heart disease, cancer, and the practice of medicine may be our biggest 3 killers, IWHTM is by far the largest contributing cause. IWHTM is the belief by each of us that It Won’t Happen To Me. But it will happen to you. Some day. I assure you. You need to prepare. Today. Now. For you and your family.
1) Genetics – As you know from the computerized orientation program, we are born with health. It is our genetic programming or potential. God has given us the most health we will ever have. We cannot have more health than we are given. We will eventually lose that health, a bit here, a bit there, and finally all of it. There seems to be a finite amount of health. So each of our cups of health were filled to different levels. So at least for the time being this is our max. It is the most important Functional Necessity for each of us and the least under our control. So blame or praise your parents.
2) Nervous System – While our genes dictate the health potential of each cell, we are made up of trillions or more individual cells that must coordinate all their activities at each moment for a lifetime. This requires a nerve system that is fully functional, integrated, and un-interfered with. For us to realize our potential we must be as free of nerve interference as is possible. That means, as you know, being as subluxation-free as possible. This is my part I get to play in your health.
3) Nutrition – Computer programmers say garbage in-garbage out. It’s the same with your body. Your body needs to have proper nutrition for the cells to have the chemistry to stay healthy. This is a topic far larger than this short article. This is one of your jobs in the HOFN.
4) Exercise – The “E” wordL Look at those people you know who are older and who exercised their whole life and compare them to the sedentary folks of the same age. Who do you want to be like when you are at that point in your life? Use it or lose it is very true. This is also your job.
5) Positive attitude, thoughts, and emotions – This is another big item that ranges from stress reduction to personal relationships, prayer, medication, and self-awareness. This requires daily nurturing by you and poses the largest difficulty for most people in daily follow-thru.
6) Rest – Your body and mind must regenerate on a daily basis. Use it well during the day and get plenty of sleep at night.
These are the HOFN’s that go along with the last 2 weeks’ articles. Know them well and do your part. Allow me to do mine. You will thank yourself later I assure you. Oh, you wonder about the IWHTM in the title. That’s next week’s topic and is a dreaded condition that we all suffer from. So while heart disease, cancer, and the practice of medicine may be our biggest 3 killers, IWHTM is by far the largest contributing cause. IWHTM is the belief by each of us that It Won’t Happen To Me. But it will happen to you. Some day. I assure you. You need to prepare. Today. Now. For you and your family.