At 39 I had been a chiropractor for 13 years but had yet to personally and fully embrace my own teachings. You might call me a hypocrite. You would be correct. I taught health but what I did could be called lazy and fat. I also ignored my own growing spinal problems which significantly limited my ability to do anything physical, not that I did much. So, I was driving my family that Memorial weekend when I felt a pain in my chest and dizziness in my head. I managed to pull the car over to the side of the road and get it in park just before I passed out. To keep a long story short, we went to the E.R. and subsequently to my medical doctor. I did not have a heart attack. No diagnosis was ever made. I had a shot across the bow, a near miss. Perhaps Jesus really did play a role in this second come to Jesus moment of my life. I cannot say. But it was at that moment that I committed to my personal health. My life has since been transformed.
When Christians literally come to Jesus they often comment how their lives are changed. When I embraced Christianity at the age of 16 my outward life didn’t change much at all. I was and still remain a very conservative person with a controlled life. But when I embraced health at the age of 39 everything in my physical life changed. 15 years later I am thinner, more active, eat better, have more energy, greater mobility, and have less pain. Although I am hardly the ultimate model of health and wellness, I consider myself a better than adequate example of how to live a healthy life. As a general rule any time I recommend you to do something for your health I am already doing it. Some examples are weekly adjustments, daily disc-pump exercises, periodic deep tissue, regular exercise, weight control, dietary restraint, supplementation, water consumption, stress management.
I give every patient in my office a detailed explanation of the subluxation, of how inflammation and scar tissue cause pain and spinal degeneration. I teach my three-tool-method of treatment to restore spinal function and reduce inflammation and scar tissue, thereby moving you further from pain and slowing degeneration. Some of you just want to feel better and move on. And some of you want something longer lasting but life just gets in the way. And then some of you have your own health come to Jesus moment and stay forever. It took me 39 years to have my own so I will never criticize you for your own decisions. But I have been here for you since 1991, and will continue to be for another 20+ years, Jesus willing.