I’m sure you have heard the saying, “A failure to plan is a plan to fail.” I guess the maker of this aphorism is telling us to plan stuff or stuff won’t get done. Perhaps he could have said, “Plan stuff or stuff won’t get done.” Not as eloquent I suppose, but let’s talk about some health stuff. If you’re in your 20’s, or if you remember when you were in your 20’s, you probably didn’t give a lot of thought to your health, right? Well, let me tell you a story. My nearly 80 year old mother-in-law spent the summer with us and at that age, her health is almost the only thing she thinks about, or should I say her lack of health is nearly the only thing she thinks about. She talks about it constantly. She repeats the same thought about her lack of health over and over. My wife sometimes will put a handful of bobby pins in one pocket and transfer them to the other pocket, one at a time with each comment her mom makes about her health. At the end of the day the first pocket will be empty and there may be more than 20 or 30 bobby pins in the second pocket. Conclusion: Something seems to happen between the age of 20 and the age of 80 where health goes from a non-issue to the overriding issue. Does it really need to be that way?
Good health is not an accident. It requires an investment of time and energy about which I have written 139 previous articles discussing. Health topics include things such as diet, exercise, nutrition, supplementation, chiropractic, massage therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, relaxation, meditation, flexibility, strength, aerobics, core, endurance, etc. etc. But to make it super simple I am going to boil it down to just two things, “Just One More Thing” and “The Rule of Ones.” The first is the plan to succeed, and the second, the plan to not fail. If you employ these simple two concepts as early in your life as possible you may get to your 80’s with enough health such that you can think about something else other than your lack of it. And you’ll keep the bobby pins in the first pocket.
JUST ONE MORE THING – This concept is so simple. Pick just one thing to add to your health/wellness regimen. It could be something easy or something hard. And then do it until it becomes a routine part of your day/week. It could be drinking more water or taking a new vitamin or exercising or adjustments or disc pump exercises or anything. You pick. And once it has become a routine part of your day/week, add one more thing. This way you are never biting off more than you can chew and increasing your chance of success. You set the pace.
THE RULE OF ONES – This goes hand in hand with the above rule. It says that whatever the “just one more thing” is that you are doing, that you will not let “ONE” week go by without doing that thing “ONE” time…the rule of ones. Taking a vitamin or engaging in an exercise one time during a week is not success, but the rule acts as a stop gap to avoid failure. If you miss one week you are likely to miss a second week and if you miss 2 weeks you have almost certainly failed.
So, two sides of the same coin. Just One More Thing to layer health activities on top of each other over a lifetime to be healthy for a lifetime. The Rule of Ones to prevent failure. A plan to succeed and a plan to not fail. This is how you make resolutions.
Good health is not an accident. It requires an investment of time and energy about which I have written 139 previous articles discussing. Health topics include things such as diet, exercise, nutrition, supplementation, chiropractic, massage therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, relaxation, meditation, flexibility, strength, aerobics, core, endurance, etc. etc. But to make it super simple I am going to boil it down to just two things, “Just One More Thing” and “The Rule of Ones.” The first is the plan to succeed, and the second, the plan to not fail. If you employ these simple two concepts as early in your life as possible you may get to your 80’s with enough health such that you can think about something else other than your lack of it. And you’ll keep the bobby pins in the first pocket.
JUST ONE MORE THING – This concept is so simple. Pick just one thing to add to your health/wellness regimen. It could be something easy or something hard. And then do it until it becomes a routine part of your day/week. It could be drinking more water or taking a new vitamin or exercising or adjustments or disc pump exercises or anything. You pick. And once it has become a routine part of your day/week, add one more thing. This way you are never biting off more than you can chew and increasing your chance of success. You set the pace.
THE RULE OF ONES – This goes hand in hand with the above rule. It says that whatever the “just one more thing” is that you are doing, that you will not let “ONE” week go by without doing that thing “ONE” time…the rule of ones. Taking a vitamin or engaging in an exercise one time during a week is not success, but the rule acts as a stop gap to avoid failure. If you miss one week you are likely to miss a second week and if you miss 2 weeks you have almost certainly failed.
So, two sides of the same coin. Just One More Thing to layer health activities on top of each other over a lifetime to be healthy for a lifetime. The Rule of Ones to prevent failure. A plan to succeed and a plan to not fail. This is how you make resolutions.