Perfection is a state that none of us can achieve, but yet perfection lies within each of us. God has given you a gift that is perfect that we chiropractors call the INNATE INTELLIGENCE. Your INNATE is unique to you and cares only for you. It is not the soul but it may be part of it. It is the wisdom of life from God that molds the forces of the universe to make our imperfect bodies function and perform as close to perfect as can be. INNATE is the guiding light who’s single goal is to guide every cell of your body to do exactly as is needed for every other cell. For it just takes one cell to damage or kill the tissue, the organ, the system, the body, and the mind. So although we cannot achieve it, still perfection must be our goal. It is mine. But how can we ever get close if we are covered with the scars of the 3rd degree burn victim?
See the skin of the 3rd degree burn victim in your mind’s eye. It is disfigured, taught, shiny, pock marked, and distorted. If on the face it can make the victim appear almost non-human. The scarring of the burn victim is such a tragedy and it is forever, at least forever in his/her life. This is what scar tissue is. And it is this very same scar tissue that heals our spine after every subluxation event or injury. The birth process, when we fall while learning to walk, falling off the changing table, climbing out of the crib, falling off the bike, the skateboard, the monkey bars, trees, athletic injuries, and car crashes. Not to mention the daily stress of gravity and poor posture, repetitive motion at work, school and play. Our spines are subjected to an uncountable number of subluxation events beginning from the time we take our first breath. By the time we are adults, we are the spinal equivalent to the burn victim.
Our spines are subject to the combined process of inflammation/scar tissue continuously throughout our lives. By the time we are an adult, and certainly a middle ager, our spines are replete with scar tissue, the very same scar tissue as in the above burn victim. This creates permanent subluxation, permanent misalignment, permanent loss of motion, and permanent nerve interference. And it is this last part that is the true tragedy of the subluxation. The nerve interference that blocks the gift of INNATE from truly being able to carry out its commands and orders from cell to cell, for without free nerve flow of mental impulses, cells malfunction, tissues break down, organs slow, and organ systems slowly fail, leading to dis-ease, disease, and death. This sounds tragic and it is. But there is a glimmer of hope. Perfection is just around the corner, but maybe not for us, the burn victim.
You see, weekly chiropractic adjustments can break some of the scar tissue, can restore some of the alignment and function, can reduce some of the nerve interference. And who knows, with INNATE being as perfect as it is, maybe it only needs a little help to perform the miracles that it can do. Maybe we don’t need our spines to be truly subluxation-free to achieve maximum human health and performance. It is worth the try, and try I will. I didn’t start chiropractic care until I was already the burn victim, just like you. But I will continue to be adjusted to break down the old, to prevent the new, to express as much of God’s INNATE as I can, but I, and you, are not the perfect patient.
No, the perfect patient is the one who is never the burn victim, who goes through life without subluxation, who never has the permanent damage from the list of traumas and subluxation events as discussed above. No…the perfect patient is not the bubble boy, who is wrapped in bubble wrap and rolled around, never falling, never injured, and therefore, never living. No… the perfect patient is the one who is checked every week from birth to death, and especially after each potential subluxation event. The baby that grows without, or with little, subluxation, who never becomes the burn victim, like you and I, that is the perfect patient. But he is not perfect in the sense that you probably think.
I am not talking about being the perfect patient for a chiropractor, although that is true. My perfect patient is the newborn, who is checked each week, adjusted when needed and especially after each subluxation event. But that is not the correct use of the word perfect. No, I refer to the perfection that INNATE can perform on this child. You see, the way I view it is since INNATE is perfect (it must be since it is an arm of GOD) and since INNATE knows just what to do at every moment of life, then it stands that if INNATE is being allowed to perform more, with less interference in the un-subluxated baby, then this baby will be the closest to perfect as can be. He is born with a genetic potential and the only way that genetic potential can be maximized is for there to never be any interference to that potential from birth to death. This is the perfect chiropractic patient who is also perfect.
See the skin of the 3rd degree burn victim in your mind’s eye. It is disfigured, taught, shiny, pock marked, and distorted. If on the face it can make the victim appear almost non-human. The scarring of the burn victim is such a tragedy and it is forever, at least forever in his/her life. This is what scar tissue is. And it is this very same scar tissue that heals our spine after every subluxation event or injury. The birth process, when we fall while learning to walk, falling off the changing table, climbing out of the crib, falling off the bike, the skateboard, the monkey bars, trees, athletic injuries, and car crashes. Not to mention the daily stress of gravity and poor posture, repetitive motion at work, school and play. Our spines are subjected to an uncountable number of subluxation events beginning from the time we take our first breath. By the time we are adults, we are the spinal equivalent to the burn victim.
Our spines are subject to the combined process of inflammation/scar tissue continuously throughout our lives. By the time we are an adult, and certainly a middle ager, our spines are replete with scar tissue, the very same scar tissue as in the above burn victim. This creates permanent subluxation, permanent misalignment, permanent loss of motion, and permanent nerve interference. And it is this last part that is the true tragedy of the subluxation. The nerve interference that blocks the gift of INNATE from truly being able to carry out its commands and orders from cell to cell, for without free nerve flow of mental impulses, cells malfunction, tissues break down, organs slow, and organ systems slowly fail, leading to dis-ease, disease, and death. This sounds tragic and it is. But there is a glimmer of hope. Perfection is just around the corner, but maybe not for us, the burn victim.
You see, weekly chiropractic adjustments can break some of the scar tissue, can restore some of the alignment and function, can reduce some of the nerve interference. And who knows, with INNATE being as perfect as it is, maybe it only needs a little help to perform the miracles that it can do. Maybe we don’t need our spines to be truly subluxation-free to achieve maximum human health and performance. It is worth the try, and try I will. I didn’t start chiropractic care until I was already the burn victim, just like you. But I will continue to be adjusted to break down the old, to prevent the new, to express as much of God’s INNATE as I can, but I, and you, are not the perfect patient.
No, the perfect patient is the one who is never the burn victim, who goes through life without subluxation, who never has the permanent damage from the list of traumas and subluxation events as discussed above. No…the perfect patient is not the bubble boy, who is wrapped in bubble wrap and rolled around, never falling, never injured, and therefore, never living. No… the perfect patient is the one who is checked every week from birth to death, and especially after each potential subluxation event. The baby that grows without, or with little, subluxation, who never becomes the burn victim, like you and I, that is the perfect patient. But he is not perfect in the sense that you probably think.
I am not talking about being the perfect patient for a chiropractor, although that is true. My perfect patient is the newborn, who is checked each week, adjusted when needed and especially after each subluxation event. But that is not the correct use of the word perfect. No, I refer to the perfection that INNATE can perform on this child. You see, the way I view it is since INNATE is perfect (it must be since it is an arm of GOD) and since INNATE knows just what to do at every moment of life, then it stands that if INNATE is being allowed to perform more, with less interference in the un-subluxated baby, then this baby will be the closest to perfect as can be. He is born with a genetic potential and the only way that genetic potential can be maximized is for there to never be any interference to that potential from birth to death. This is the perfect chiropractic patient who is also perfect.