I know that many of you have been personally affected by cancer, either in yourself or a loved one or a friend. And if you have not yet had that experience you certainly will some day since cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death. When you study embryogenesis, the study of human development, the body starts as a collection of cells that all are the same that are rapidly dividing to create a small ball of tissue called the blastocyst. One of these cells changes or differentiates to become the nerve system, and quickly all the other cells of the blastocyst change into the tissues they will help form. In short cancer is when a cell in the body turns back into this primitive cell type and just starts duplicating itself over and over like it did when you were forming in your mother’s womb. Some cancers are benign in that they will just stay in one place making a single tumor. Some are malignant in that they can spread around the body and create multiple tumors. And then there are the metastasized cells that have already spread. Cancer victims usually become experts on their type of cancer due to the necessity of having to make important life decisions. One of my many goals in life is to not have to become such an expert. In other words, I don’t want to hear my medical doctor fling out the “c” word during one of my visits to him. How can I avoid that?
My daughter is a Ph.D. candidate working on colon cancer genetics and she says there are some of us that have genes that are just going to develop into cancer no matter what we do, but that is a small minority. The rest of us can change our future. Wouldn’t you rather prevent than treat? Wouldn’t you rather make small changes in your life right now than big ones later? Wouldn’t you rather die an old man or woman in your sleep than what cancer victims have to endure? Of course. There are books, CD’s, videos, and websites full of information on this. This one page article should only be a starting point. So in the next few lines I will tell you some of what I do and why. My purpose in writing this is to get you thinking about where you are and where you want to be in the future and then what you need to do to get there. Wellness is not an accident and health is not guaranteed. It requires daily work, work that is worth it in the end with greater quality and quantity of life.
1) Reduce inflammation in my body. Research today is focused on the severe damage that inflammation does in causing any number of diseases, including cancer.
a) Weekly adjustments – Reduces spinal sourced inflammation
b) Weight loss/control – Fat cells produce inflammatory chemicals
c) Regular aerobic exercise – Reduces body inflammation
d) Regular dental cleaning – Reduces oral sourced inflammation
e) 500 mg Turmeric/day – Natural anti-inflammatory
2) Reduce oxidative chemicals that cause genetic damage/mutation
a) Multiple vitamin supplements
b) 2000 I.U.’s Vitamin D-3 – Your most important supplement!
c) 1000 mg or more omega 3/fish oil supplement
What’s your plan?
My daughter is a Ph.D. candidate working on colon cancer genetics and she says there are some of us that have genes that are just going to develop into cancer no matter what we do, but that is a small minority. The rest of us can change our future. Wouldn’t you rather prevent than treat? Wouldn’t you rather make small changes in your life right now than big ones later? Wouldn’t you rather die an old man or woman in your sleep than what cancer victims have to endure? Of course. There are books, CD’s, videos, and websites full of information on this. This one page article should only be a starting point. So in the next few lines I will tell you some of what I do and why. My purpose in writing this is to get you thinking about where you are and where you want to be in the future and then what you need to do to get there. Wellness is not an accident and health is not guaranteed. It requires daily work, work that is worth it in the end with greater quality and quantity of life.
1) Reduce inflammation in my body. Research today is focused on the severe damage that inflammation does in causing any number of diseases, including cancer.
a) Weekly adjustments – Reduces spinal sourced inflammation
b) Weight loss/control – Fat cells produce inflammatory chemicals
c) Regular aerobic exercise – Reduces body inflammation
d) Regular dental cleaning – Reduces oral sourced inflammation
e) 500 mg Turmeric/day – Natural anti-inflammatory
2) Reduce oxidative chemicals that cause genetic damage/mutation
a) Multiple vitamin supplements
b) 2000 I.U.’s Vitamin D-3 – Your most important supplement!
c) 1000 mg or more omega 3/fish oil supplement
What’s your plan?