To paraphrase the great Albert Einstein, “The solution to the problems of today is not available in the thinking it took to create the problems in the first place.” There are many problems today, the economy, poverty, sickness and disease, famine, nuclear threat, Islamic terror, etc. While we wage battle on these and others on a daily basis, the real solution will only occur when we change the way we think, a new paradigm, when humanity evolves to the next level. For example, in 1990 we were still in the middle of the cold war with the Soviet Union. Nuclear annihilation was only the push of a button away. In 1991, the USSR just collapsed. The people knocked down the Berlin wall. The paradigm changed and the cold war ended, just like that. That is what Einstein was talking about. Now let’s extend this argument to drug abuse, both illegal and legal. None of us want our kids or grandkids to use drugs, but what paradigm are you raising them in? What are you teaching them? How are you programming them? You need to think about this. Reject it if you like, but think about it. This is important.
The current paradigm is this. When your child is sick you have a pill or potion that you give him. There is a pill for every conceivable ailment. “Here honey. I know you feel bad. Take this. It will help you feel better.” Scores, hundreds, or even thousands of times throughout a child’s life parents say these words and then the children swallow the drug. Therefore, as we grow up we learn the paradigm that health and well being is available in a drug. When we don’t feel well we need a drug. The body cannot heal itself without a drug. Thank God for drugs!! I may not like taking them but I am so glad they are around for when I need them. This is most likely your paradigm.
Under this paradigm we have devised the DARE program. The DARE officers tell our kids in elementary school that drugs are bad. Don’t do drugs. Say no to drugs. What the kids here is blah blah blah. The proof is that every study on this subject shows that the effect of the DARE program is zilch, nada. It is a complete waste of time and money. We wring our hands and wonder why?? The answer is simple. You and I have already programmed our kids by the time they get to elementary school. Their subconscious already knows that drugs are good. The subconscious does not know legal versus illegal. It knows when you feel bad you take a drug, period.
Then what happens when your baby gets to that awkward age. “My parents don’t understand me. My teachers are idiots. I’m fat, unhappy.” Etc. Someone along the way hands him a pill or potion and says that it will make him feel better. Your baby has been programmed throughout a lifetime that when you feel bad you take a pill. Her conscious mind may say no, but her subconscious programming takes over. He takes the drug. The end product of our current paradigm.
Now lets look at an alternative paradigm, one in which your baby has been taught that the body can heal itself, that illness is natural and its purpose in childhood is to exercise our immune “muscles” for real battles later in life, that the body does not need drugs to heal, that nature heals as long as there is no interference. He knows that other kids’ parents give them drugs but he has never taken any. It is not in her subconscious programming to look to drugs, at any level, for anything. Drugs are not part of his consciousness anymore than you would use chicken bones to predict your future, or a voodoo doll to cure you.
This is the chiropractic child. This is what we are trying to teach our parents to teach their children. The body can heal itself of anything, or prevent itself from anything, as long as there is no interference to the healing process. As you know, the subluxation is a major source of interference to the natural healing process. As you know, it interferes with nerve function and body communications, with the ability of Innate to reach the tissue cells and preserve the balance and health of the whole person. This is why you will see children in my office on a weekly basis to be checked and adjusted, and more often when they are sick. They are learning that the body can heal itself. It might need a little help with an adjustment, but it can do the job. No drugs, no potions.
My vision, which I know will never be realized on any level, would see every child on the planet in every generation raised in a chiropractic setting. Imagine a world like this. What would it look like? I have no scientific proof that there would be less drug use. But it seems logical. My own kids were raised this way and have never done drugs, but that is not proof. But it seems logical. What if I’m wrong and this is all some sort of chiropractor’s pipe-dream? Well then we just have a bunch of kids that are healthier than if they are raised in the medical model, and we do have the proof of that. I hope you and your kids are coming along for the ride.
The current paradigm is this. When your child is sick you have a pill or potion that you give him. There is a pill for every conceivable ailment. “Here honey. I know you feel bad. Take this. It will help you feel better.” Scores, hundreds, or even thousands of times throughout a child’s life parents say these words and then the children swallow the drug. Therefore, as we grow up we learn the paradigm that health and well being is available in a drug. When we don’t feel well we need a drug. The body cannot heal itself without a drug. Thank God for drugs!! I may not like taking them but I am so glad they are around for when I need them. This is most likely your paradigm.
Under this paradigm we have devised the DARE program. The DARE officers tell our kids in elementary school that drugs are bad. Don’t do drugs. Say no to drugs. What the kids here is blah blah blah. The proof is that every study on this subject shows that the effect of the DARE program is zilch, nada. It is a complete waste of time and money. We wring our hands and wonder why?? The answer is simple. You and I have already programmed our kids by the time they get to elementary school. Their subconscious already knows that drugs are good. The subconscious does not know legal versus illegal. It knows when you feel bad you take a drug, period.
Then what happens when your baby gets to that awkward age. “My parents don’t understand me. My teachers are idiots. I’m fat, unhappy.” Etc. Someone along the way hands him a pill or potion and says that it will make him feel better. Your baby has been programmed throughout a lifetime that when you feel bad you take a pill. Her conscious mind may say no, but her subconscious programming takes over. He takes the drug. The end product of our current paradigm.
Now lets look at an alternative paradigm, one in which your baby has been taught that the body can heal itself, that illness is natural and its purpose in childhood is to exercise our immune “muscles” for real battles later in life, that the body does not need drugs to heal, that nature heals as long as there is no interference. He knows that other kids’ parents give them drugs but he has never taken any. It is not in her subconscious programming to look to drugs, at any level, for anything. Drugs are not part of his consciousness anymore than you would use chicken bones to predict your future, or a voodoo doll to cure you.
This is the chiropractic child. This is what we are trying to teach our parents to teach their children. The body can heal itself of anything, or prevent itself from anything, as long as there is no interference to the healing process. As you know, the subluxation is a major source of interference to the natural healing process. As you know, it interferes with nerve function and body communications, with the ability of Innate to reach the tissue cells and preserve the balance and health of the whole person. This is why you will see children in my office on a weekly basis to be checked and adjusted, and more often when they are sick. They are learning that the body can heal itself. It might need a little help with an adjustment, but it can do the job. No drugs, no potions.
My vision, which I know will never be realized on any level, would see every child on the planet in every generation raised in a chiropractic setting. Imagine a world like this. What would it look like? I have no scientific proof that there would be less drug use. But it seems logical. My own kids were raised this way and have never done drugs, but that is not proof. But it seems logical. What if I’m wrong and this is all some sort of chiropractor’s pipe-dream? Well then we just have a bunch of kids that are healthier than if they are raised in the medical model, and we do have the proof of that. I hope you and your kids are coming along for the ride.