Last time I listed a bunch of stuff that I believe in and found that most of you shared most of the same beliefs. Some of you took exception to the Peter Pan belief either because you are too young to remember or have never heard the Peter Pan Peanut Butter commercial, “If you believe in peanut butter you gotta believe in Peter Pan,” and some of you just like Jif better. And still others of you don’t believe that Frodo lives. That’s like saying that Picard is a better Enterprise captain than Kirk. Hah! Fools I say!
So back by popular demand, I thought that more “beliefing” is in order. I believe....
___ that subluxation correction is the second most important thing that we can do to improve our health potential, but that the first most important thing is completely out of our control.
___ that the flood that the old testament speaks about was world-wide but not global.
___ that the greatest legacy that we can leave behind is how we have helped others, even if the “others” I speak of is just one person. We must try to leave this life better than we found it.
___ that it is my calling to adjust as many human spines as I can as many times as I can as long as I can. I will only retire when my body won’t do this job any more.
___ that the genetic code of humans degrades with every generation having only been perfect in one man, Adam, and one woman, Eve. In other words, our software has lots of bugs in it.
___ that we come into this world and leave it by ourselves, but never alone, for God is always with us.
___ that the subluxation results in two effects, nerve stress and inflammation, and three results, pain (eventually), spinal degeneration, and overall body ill-health and breakdown.
___ that humans are essentially sinful creatures that, for the most part, are trying their best to overcome that sinful nature. In other words, most people I’ve met are decent hard working folks.
___ that a chiropractor’s first and most important job is to find and correct subluxation. Everything else that we do may be good and necessary but is not strictly chiropractic.
___ that you are worth “it.” Otherwise you wouldn’t have been born. You just have to figure out what “it” is. My opinion/belief is simple. “It” is God’s love. His love is the only reason why we are. And you and I and all of us are the result of “it.” If “it” is good enough for the One who created the universe from nothing, then “it” is good enough for me, and, by definition, you and I are worth “it.” And my grand conclusion is, we don’t have to earn “it” but we do need to try to live up to “it.” Get it?
So back by popular demand, I thought that more “beliefing” is in order. I believe....
___ that subluxation correction is the second most important thing that we can do to improve our health potential, but that the first most important thing is completely out of our control.
___ that the flood that the old testament speaks about was world-wide but not global.
___ that the greatest legacy that we can leave behind is how we have helped others, even if the “others” I speak of is just one person. We must try to leave this life better than we found it.
___ that it is my calling to adjust as many human spines as I can as many times as I can as long as I can. I will only retire when my body won’t do this job any more.
___ that the genetic code of humans degrades with every generation having only been perfect in one man, Adam, and one woman, Eve. In other words, our software has lots of bugs in it.
___ that we come into this world and leave it by ourselves, but never alone, for God is always with us.
___ that the subluxation results in two effects, nerve stress and inflammation, and three results, pain (eventually), spinal degeneration, and overall body ill-health and breakdown.
___ that humans are essentially sinful creatures that, for the most part, are trying their best to overcome that sinful nature. In other words, most people I’ve met are decent hard working folks.
___ that a chiropractor’s first and most important job is to find and correct subluxation. Everything else that we do may be good and necessary but is not strictly chiropractic.
___ that you are worth “it.” Otherwise you wouldn’t have been born. You just have to figure out what “it” is. My opinion/belief is simple. “It” is God’s love. His love is the only reason why we are. And you and I and all of us are the result of “it.” If “it” is good enough for the One who created the universe from nothing, then “it” is good enough for me, and, by definition, you and I are worth “it.” And my grand conclusion is, we don’t have to earn “it” but we do need to try to live up to “it.” Get it?